Outdated YouTube Marketing Tactics to Drop, According to HubSpot Video Managers

10 August 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, YouTube continues to be a powerful platform. However, not all strategies remain effective over time. According to HubSpot video managers, some once-popular tactics have now become outdated. This article will explore these obsolete strategies and recommend modern alternatives for a more impactful YouTube presence.

1. Clickbait Titles and Thumbnails

Мужчина в очках сидит за столом в офисе с экраном, на котором открыт YouTube.

Using clickbait titles and thumbnails used to be a popular way to drive traffic and increase views on YouTube. However, this tactic is now considered counterproductive. Clickbait may initially attract viewers, but it usually leads to high bounce rates and low watch times, negatively impacting your channel’s performance in the long run. Furthermore, it can damage your brand’s credibility and weaken viewer trust.

Instead, focus on creating genuine and compelling titles and thumbnails that accurately represent the content of your video. This way, you’ll attract an audience genuinely interested in your content, leading to higher engagement and more meaningful viewer interactions.

2. Long Intros and Irrelevant Content

Мужчина в зелёном свитере работает за компьютерами в уютном домашнем офисе.

Gone are the days when extensive introductions and off-topic banter held audience attention. Modern YouTube audiences are looking for quick, relevant, and value-packed content. Long intros can deter viewers, causing them to click away before getting to the core of your message.

To keep your audience engaged, get straight to the point. Start with a brief, compelling hook that grabs attention, and dive right into the promised content. Keep the extraneous material to a minimum and ensure that every second of your video is purposeful and adds value.

3. Ignoring SEO Best Practices

Презентация в конференц-зале с графиками на экранах, человек встал перед аудиторией.

While YouTube SEO isn’t new, many marketers still neglect its importance. Failing to optimize your videos for search can limit your reach and visibility. Titles, descriptions, tags, and even your video script should be infused with relevant keywords to enhance discoverability.

Here are key practices to follow:

  1. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions.
  2. Include tags that reflect the main topics of your video.
  3. Transcribe your videos and include the transcript in the description.
  4. Encourage viewers to engage through likes, comments, and shares to boost your video’s ranking.
  5. Create playlists around specific themes to improve watch time and session duration.

Following these practices ensures that your content is optimized effectively, making it easier for users to find you through search.

4. Overlooking Community Engagement

YouTube is not just a video-sharing platform; it’s also a social media community. Overlooking the importance of community engagement can be detrimental to your channel’s growth. Audiences want to feel connected and valued, and this connection often comes through active engagement in the comments, live chats, and community posts.

Consistently respond to comments on your videos, engage in meaningful conversations, and show appreciation for viewer feedback. Additionally, leverage YouTube’s community tab for updates, polls, and behind-the-scenes content to foster a deeper connection with your audience.

5. Ignoring Analytics and Feedback

Many marketers underestimate the value of leveraging analytics and viewer feedback. This oversight can prevent you from understanding what works and what doesn’t, leading to missed opportunities for channel improvement. YouTube Analytics provides invaluable insights into viewer behavior, demographics, and content performance.

Regularly review your analytics to identify trends and adjust your strategy accordingly. Pay attention to metrics such as average view duration, traffic sources, and audience retention. Use this data, along with direct viewer feedback, to refine your content and deliver what your audience truly wants.


While some YouTube marketing tactics have become obsolete, adapting to new trends and best practices can significantly enhance your channel’s performance. By avoiding clickbait, streamlining content, optimizing for SEO, engaging with your community, and leveraging analytics, you can stay ahead in the competitive world of YouTube marketing. Continuous learning and flexibility are essential for sustained success and growth in the dynamic digital landscape.


1. Why are clickbait titles and thumbnails ineffective now?

Clickbait titles and thumbnails may generate initial interest, but they often lead to high bounce rates and low watch times. Viewers feel deceived and may lose trust in your content, negatively impacting your channel’s long-term performance.

2. What is the impact of long intros on viewer engagement?

Long intros can cause viewers to lose interest quickly and navigate away from your video before reaching the valuable content. Starting with a compelling hook and getting straight to the point keeps viewers engaged and interested.

3. How can I optimize my YouTube videos for SEO?

Optimize your videos by using keyword-rich titles, descriptions, and tags. Include transcripts in your description, encourage viewer engagement, and create playlists around specific themes to improve your channel’s discoverability and retention.

4. Why is community engagement important on YouTube?

Community engagement fosters a deeper connection with your audience, builds loyalty, and encourages viewers to become more active participants in your channel. Engaging with comments, live chats, and community posts can significantly enhance viewer retention and satisfaction.

5. How can YouTube Analytics help improve my channel?

YouTube Analytics provides insights into viewer behavior, demographics, and content performance. By understanding key metrics such as average view duration, traffic sources, and audience retention, you can make data-driven decisions to improve and tailor your content strategy.